Greedy for experiences
Go there
Do that
Now go over there
Yes over there
There is an experience to be had
Over there is where they all are
Where it all is
But there are a million experiences to be had right where you are
Sitting there in this chair
Feeling this in that body
Holding this space that is holding you now
Hearing what has been all there all around you just whispering
Just whispering
You’re just whispering
Whispering all the time underneath it all
Over there is a moose
But here there are microbes
Spilling and spilling into each other
In here
Down in here
Is the blood
Inside the blood are the cells
All around the blood also there are cells
Inside the cells are machines
Inside the machines there is life
Life made of smaller and smaller and smaller of things
On down to some things made of nothing to see
Nothing to see only something to feel
Whispering and whispering underneath it all
All of the time
And all of the time
Is the experience to be had between your head and your chest
It’s the same as the one between trees
There is the wind yes
Over there
Over there
But here
Only here
Is your breath
Here is an ocean of seas