Let there be Light it was said and that is when Sound laughed, for it had been here already, it had been here ever since it could remember itself and back then it was all that there was and now at last and finally here came Light. What was it Light was to do now, what was it thinking of doing, what could it do? Had it any thought? Surely it must, but then perhaps Light was only Action, perhaps it was Sound itself that was Thought. What was it that Light was digging around for, hoping for? Had it any hope to speak of? It couldn’t speak, laughed Sound again. That’s me. Ha.
Now these two great laughs out there in the great void of nothing which was to become everything, they sailed—across what was to become Time and back again for what would have been a great long time were Time to have yet existed, perhaps this was Time being created, left in the wake of the two first things to travel across what was to become Space. Perhaps this was now the birth of Time. Only Time would tell. It will need me for that as well, thought Sound.
And then the two collided, the two laughs having travelled all possible courses finally each travelled upon two courses which would cross one another. And they collided. From this, things began to truly happen. From this, only this, something now was created. All that was not there was suddenly broken, as laughter broke out upon itself, colliding with its own twin, the twin colliding with the other, and that smallest of infinity, that only one of being now made two, now colliding with itself, finally made something of which to speak of. It made matter, it took form, took form from no form and began creation.
Now this is interesting, said Sound. And all Light could do was beam. Sound reached out to Light and lent a hand. It certainly is, said Light at last. And it took one great breath into itself and let it out, bathing this new thing, this new form, this first matter, in Light. And then every thing began.
I see now, said Sound, now I see for what you were digging. This will be most interesting. I can’t wait to see what’s more.