It always ends with an animal
You can only fight madness with more madness
You can only meet skin with more skin
I’ve been going about this all wrong. I’ve been trying to fight the madness of the world with serenity. Continual serenity. Unsurprisingly, it hasn’t been going well. But madness will meet madness. To fight, though, it must be a different kind of madness. Thou mayest be bold and even unhinged, just return to the door after following the wind.
A madness of absolute kindness towards all things and all things that happen or are happening, but may you play with them like a dog plays with its sibling. They may look like they’re fighting but in fact they are playing, for play is the best way to fight. You may land a punch or a kick at times, find your face in your hands—but at least there’s your face, and at least it’s in your hands.
You are pleasant. Downtrodden, but up at all times to do all that you can. Just return to the door, find a field and take rest, lay your feet by your side, by your side is the world. And you’re in it. Fantastic. That’s simply—fantastic. There’s no need to unwrap it. You already happened. It’s all here before you, like monkeys in trees.
There’s no need to unwrap it, you’re covered in bees
You’re covered in bees
You’re covered in bees